Friday, August 22, 2014

Scattering of Love :: Batch 2

I share goodness from the past week in no particular order but I promise if you take a few moments to click on each of the links you will walk away encouraged.

Love found from above

Love found in the blogosphere

You might notice a theme...

What I Wish I Would Have Told Him... And Am Now Telling Her by Alecia Simersky

"My worth doesn't come from anything I do or don't do, but from God alone. And that's enough. Regardless of what anyone says."

When It’s Best to Say Yes to Staying in Your Comfort Zone by Kristen Strong

"If you are driven to leave your comfort zone because you see others doing that thing and think you should too, then a word of caution. But if you are urged to leave your comfort zone because you sense God leading you, well then, that is another thing altogether."

How to Be Done with Not Enough by Michelle DeRusha

"I’m done with comparison, done with feeling less-than."

Love found in a book

"I want to cultivate a deep sense of gratitude, of groundedness, of enough, even while I'm longing for something more. The longing and the gratitude, both. I'm practicing believing that God knows more than I know, that he sees what I can't, that he's weaving a future I can't even imagine from where I sit this morning.

Extraordinary, indeed.

More than enough."

Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist

Shauna's book is all about her love for gathering around the table. I would so love the opportunity to pull up a chair at her table or to have her join me at mine. Praying for bravery to send her an email. But why do I need bravery? We share a love for Christ . . . which makes us sisters-in-Christ. Send the email, Beth! Maybe she would be willing to sit around the table with several ladies from my church for a ladies night!

Love found in YOU

Monday's are all about YOU because I love YOU.

I am opening up the blog for you to lead our Get to Know You Monday discussions once a month. I have guests scheduled for September, October and November. Let's see how those three months go before we extend beyond but if you are interested email me at simplybeth3(at)gmail(dot)com and we will take it from there. If this is your first time here and you have no idea what I'm talking about, find out more here.

Let this space be the table where we gather, friends. Thank you for pulling up a chair. There is always room for you.

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  1. I always glean so much from the links you share!

    I just put Bread and Wine on my library list. She will be one of the speakers at Allume.

    I hope you have a lovely weekend! One closer to your husband being home! Yay!!

  2. Excellent choices this week, Beth! I loved all three posts and wish I still had time to continue the book-Bread and Wine but I will get back to it. Thanks for sending out some encouragement each week. It is needed. Happy weekend!

  3. Thanks for all the inspiration, Beth - :)

  4. Thank you for the links.

    The Lord is asking me to come out of my comfort zone.

    I am pretty much an introvert and I feel an urging to come out of my shell.

    I am visiting from Recommendation Saturday

  5. How blessed I am to have come to your table, Beth. Your sweet smile and words mean so much. There are several books that I shall be looking into and for! Thanks for the recommendations.
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

  6. Beth, I love that there's always room for me here! You make me feel welcome each time. Thank you for sharing some wonderfully encouraging links. So blessed to know you through our blogs and writing! Have a blessed week, friend!


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Much love to you.