Monday, June 2, 2014

Get to Know You Monday (Vol. 1)

When I began blogging three years ago never did I imagine the friendships that would bloom as a result. All praise truly goes to God for connecting us in this blogosphere. I am grateful to Him for the beautiful gift of YOU.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows." ~ James 1:17

I would love to do something fun on Monday's and getting to know you better sounds like great fun to me. So I am going to do a new thing. "See, I have already begun!" (Isaiah 43:19)

Every Monday I will share a question. I will use a picture or two and a few words with my response to the question and then open the floor for you to do the same.

I'm not doing a link-up because my heart wants to keep this informal. Let's imagine you are coming over for a cup of coffee or tea. You simply stop by, take a seat at the table and we begin to share with each other. For purposes of this conversation the comments section is our table. If you have a picture you would like to share, please do so on my blog Facebook page. (I don't think it allows you to share pictures in the comments.)

Let's begin . . .

What is your favorite color? A nice and easy one to start with but feel free to be descriptive.

My favorite color is actually three colors. I have quite the love for our Red, White and Blue. The colors in my home are red, white and blue (along with neutral colors like grey and tan which makes the blue and red stand out). I have a lovely flag from Pottery Barn hanging in my kitchen. Don't you love those two handsome faces?!?! These men have a little something to do with my love for red, white and blue.

Okay, I'm also giving you a partial view of the flag so you can see the red, white and blue flowers I have throughout the house. They are fake because otherwise they would be dead. Pardon the staged photo; it was taken for my blog when I first launched Simply Beth. Even my coffee cup is blue!

If I could hang a big ole flag in front of my home I would. My home isn't nearly as big as the one in the photo below (not even remotely close) so it might look awkward. I actually captured this home while doing a boat tour on Lake Geneva in Wisconsin. Pretty cool, don't you think?

Instead, we have an extra large flag pole (my husband is like Tim "the Tool Man" Taylor from the show Home Improvement and always needs to have the biggest in the neighborhood) with a beautiful flag hanging from it in the front of our home.

Now it's your turn. Don't leave me hanging here, pretty please. I really do want to get to know you better. I promise the questions will be slight more creative as we go along. Well, hopefully they will be.

Happy Monday!


  1. Another thing we have in common! Red is my favorite color. I have soft gray walls throughout most of my house with white trim. In many of the rooms there's a lot of navy blue with red touches.

    1. Look at that! How fun to have another thing in common. :) Thank you for sharing, Elizabeth.

  2. I like all things purple and blue...don't know why, but I am always drawn to that combo of colors?? I especially love those colors in, mountains, flowers and plants, water.

    1. I really love purple too, Bev. My love for being outdoors is probably one of the reasons why I love blue so much. I love when you can stare at the endless waters and sky.

  3. Green and purple for sure but I don't have much purple in my house. I love lavender and eggplant colors.
    I have a long folk looking flag hanging in my foyer. It's nearly 8 ft long. Love it!
    Love your new blog series idea too. :)

    1. Oh yes, lavender is a good one. If you think of it, I'd love you to share a picture of your flag on my Facebook page. No pressure . . . I just love pictures though!! :)

  4. a soft blue / green / gray. the color that rims my blog. and many of the rooms of my home.

    1. Beautiful combination colors. And I love the warmth of your blog. I can imagine your home has that same feeling of warmth. xoxo

  5. My favorite color is green! I love flags. We have a flag also not sure how big it is but we love it.

    1. I think my husband wanted to go even bigger with the flag he bought for our house but I stopped him from making it look awkward. :) He's a funny guy. Miss him. Thank you for sharing, Jenn.

  6. Love your flags! I have two kids in the military, and come from a family of men who served so my heart heart warms when I see them!
    My favorite colors are Red, yellow and Gray! :) (cute post Idea, btw!)

    1. Thank you to you and your family for your service. God bless you. I've become so fond of grey . . . I think because it's so easy to add splashes of other colors too it. It's also a light and airey color. I've always tried to go with a bit of a cape cod feeling in my home. Thanks for stopping in and sharing. This has been so much fun!

  7. Hi Dear! My favorite color is purple. I just love it, and in all shades. It is a combo of blue and red, so maybe we are a little on the same page?
    That huge flag is amazing!! No doubt about the love of country there.
    Thank you for sharing your photos. The one of you at the table is so sweet. Hmm..I think I need a purple coffee mug :)

    1. I do love purple too, Ceil. You made me smile today with your shared amazement over the size of that flag. I just thought it was so cool. We do have a big shed in our backyard and I've told my husband we need to place a huge flag on one side of it. I thought it would be cool to have someone paint a whole one side with a flag. We will see. Thank you for sharing. xoxo

  8. My favourite colours are red and blue.
    Fun post idea!
    And amazing photos!!!

    1. Thank you, Rebekah. I'm delighted to see everyone enjoying sharing today. {Hugs}

  9. Hi Beth! I love this idea of everyone getting to know each other better through your blog! Awesome! My favorite color is green - maybe that's why I love the Pacific Northwest, where we vacationed last week, so much! (It's kind of tough to keep things green in California! LOL) I also love fall colors and much of our home is decorated in those colors. I have orange appliances in my kitchen and pictures of autumn trees on the wall! So, maybe in actuality, my favorite color should be "leaf"! LOL

    I love your flag picture...and the way you've decorated with the flowers to match! Beautiful!

    Love, Joan

    1. Fall colors are always so warm and inviting. I have no doubt that is exactly the feeling one has when coming to your home. Not only because of the colors though. :) I hope for the day when I can meet you and that husband of yours. Love you, friend.

  10. My favorite color tends to change. Right now it's turquoise. It just makes me happy! I love your post and red, white and blue too! Hope, freedom and pride are wrapped up in those colors for me. Thank you for asking the question today! It's great to get to know you!

    1. Oh yes... hope, freedom and pride. I love the thought of describing them like that. Thank you so much for sharing. It's been such fun seeing all the responses.

  11. This is a hard one as I love so many colors. But if I must choose, I'd say green as it is the color of prosperity--not money but spirit.

    1. There are many beautiful colors. I love what you choose for today. :) Thank you for sharing, Bruce.

  12. Love this idea, friend!! :) My favorite color is YELLOW & sunflowers are my favorite flowers! The two bring a smile to my face when I see them! I have a sunflower calendar on the wall above my desk at work-to cheer me up daily! :) Yellow just makes me cheery! ;) Love you! ♥

    1. I am so glad you shared a picture on my Facebook page, Satin. It made me smile big!! Love you.

  13. What a great idea! My favorite color is purple and all shades of lavender. If I could paint only using that color, I would. Your flag photos are great! Have a beautiful week!

    1. I am a big fan of purple too. Thanks so much for sharing, Barbie. I'm all smiles today from this Get to Know You Monday!! :)

  14. I am kind of fickle I guess. It just depends on what mood I am in. Mostly my favorite color is an olive green. It is so comforting and relaxing to sit in the livingroom painted that color.
    I love that flag from Po**ery B**n...very cool!

    1. Our kitchen was painted in olive green once. It is a very comforting color. I also get how it can change depending on our mood. Red, white and blue are consistent for me, but I bounce around with other favorites and often it can depend on how I'm feeling. Thank you for sharing. I'm so glad you have joined us here!!

  15. OK, I could've guessed that you'd be red, white, and blue!!

    Me? OK, please don't think I'm weird (or weirder than you already think I am!!) - but I really like the color black. Now, color purists would say that black isn't really a color, more like the absence of color. But, I'm going with it. I like black because it's deep and mysterious. It can create a different feeling if it's shiny or flat. It's a great accent color for the frames on my tan-colored walls. It makes me look thinner!!

    My second choice would be red. It's vibrant and exciting. It cheers me up.

    So, if you ever see a woman wearing all black, with maybe a red scarf for an accent, stop her. It just might be ME!!


    1. I don't think you are weird at all, Sharon. I actually adore you and with each post you write and every comment you leave I find myself rather anxious to meet you in real life. I actually looked up what one may say about white being a color, but I say it's a color and so is black. I will now be on the look-out for a woman wearing all black and a red scarf. :) Much love to you. xoxo

  16. My favorite colors are blue and green. Funny though, my house is mostly beiges. I love the red/white/blue mixed with grey. I may have to paint soon! My classroom is more blue and green...soothing colors for second graders. :) We have a flag but not one like that Lake Geneva one! That's beautiful!

    1. I have to say we've painted our walls many different colors and painting them different shades of grey has been my most favorite. Isn't that flag awesome? It made me smile big as we approached it. Thanks for sharing, Susan. Blessings.

  17. I love how you've decorated your home with favorite colors! What a wonderful idea. Try as I might, I cannot name one favorite color - I like too many of them! Though I tend to decorate our main rooms in earthy tones that soothe me :)

    1. Thanks, Carrie. And thanks for sharing. There are so many wonderful colors it is hard to choose just one . . . which is why I picked three!! :)

  18. Love this idea, Beth. And from the short time since I've started reading your blog, I can see why those are your favorite colors. :-) I am so grateful for them as well. My favorite color is actually a combination of two colors- turquoise. Looking forward to getting to know you more on Get to Know You Mondays!

    1. Thanks so much, Abby. And I am so glad you have joined us here. I hope this new series allows for a fun way to get to know each other better. I'm looking forward to getting to know you better too.

  19. What a neat I idea Beth. I have this love for yellow houses.

    1. Thanks, Wanda. I'm really having fun seeing everyone's responses. Thank you so much for sharing. xoxo

  20. How fun!! I will be looking forward to Mondays for a whole new reason now! :D I love that your favorites are patriotic. I love our flag, and really enjoyed the picture of the giant one on the house... how cool is that?!

    My favorite color is pink. Mostly like a blush pink, but any hue will do. :) I don't have my house done up in pinks, cause the fellas might object. :p

    Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    1. You make me smile and pink just seems perfect for you. Thank you for sharing a picture too. Love you, friend.

  21. ocean blue. I LOVE water. So calming... red white and blue flowers look really great together! Who knew :)

    1. I love the water too. I think you are in Michigan, right? I need to come visit!!

  22. I'm a little late to the party... that's just how I roll on Monday's, lol! Fun idea, Beth :) You've probably already guessed my favorite color - purple and all shades there of - except the really blue purples. I'll have to see what I can dig up to share on your FB page. Happy Monday!

    1. Never late for the party. I'm glad you made it by. Thank you for sharing a picture on my FB page too, June. Much love.

  23. Well my absolute favorite would be pink in almost any shade....Although the brighter the better when it comes to the clothing I wear.

    But I also love Yellow, and blue. I love staring out my window looking at the sky. And yellow simply because it is bright and cheerful.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing, Deanna. It was wonderful to see you here. This was so much fun. Blessings.

  24. I love this idea, Beth!

    My current favorite color is turquoise. I also really love pink.

    I love that giant flag!

    1. I would have guessed pink for you, Elizabeth. :) Isn't that flag just awesome!! Thanks for stopping by and sharing.

  25. Oh, I totally love red, white and blue. I'll post a picture on your FB page of my flag. I have to have a flag hanging on my house all the time!

    And I love purple. So much so that I have a purple kitchen. I'll post that picture for you too! :-)

    Love this idea and can't wait to see what other questions you come up with!

    1. We love the same colors, friend. I'd totally choose purple after red, white and blue. Thanks for sharing a picture of your flag and your kitchen on my page. Love you.

  26. I love this idea, Beth!!! What a great way to build friendships! I'm a day late, but glad I hunted you down this morning!

    My favorite color? RED. Definitely red. To me it represents love, joy, happiness, family, acceptance, warmth, protection, ....everything Jesus's blood can bring. Growing up my bedroom color theme was red, still is. My wedding dress was a shade of red. My toe nails are usually red. Most of my jewelry has red somewhere. My kitchen is red. My Tupperware is red. My toothbrush is red. Our vehicles are red. My blog is red. My Bible...well, that's pink, but close enough, right? Sadly, though, sometimes I see red. :( lol

    Looking forward to answering more questions and getting to know you and others better through this!

    1. Thank you, Kaylene. I do love the excitement from others on this new series. This first week has been so much fun. Thank you SO much for sharing your love for red. I love your reasons why. So wonderful!! Much love to you.

  27. My favourite colour is bluebell blues, which is a wonderful mix of blue hues and lilac sparkles

  28. I may be late to this party, but I showed up and delighted I did. So many colors and so many reasons each one has for loving those colors. Each comment is fun to read. We can actually get to know little tidbits about one another through such a basic and good question! You did good, Beth! : ) because is is calming, soothing, and reminds me of water, the lovely Pacific Ocean where I spent many a year. I can see dolphins swimming in large waves about to break and that blue just spills over them. The blue of the sky tips my head back and I look heavenward and to my Home, one day. Blue is peaceful and gentle...the ever-rolling waters onto the shore, rocking me lovingly as if God is holding me in His arms. Just blue...
    Caring through Christ, ~ linda

    1. You are never late. I'm so glad you made it by and I'm glad you enjoyed reading what others shared. It make me happy that you added the reasons why you love your color. It really helps me to get to know you that much more. Thanks so much, Linda. xoxo

  29. I thought that I didn't have a favorite color and liked all colors equally, but when I started painting, I fopund that i loved blues of all kinds, turquoise especially. :^) patsy

    1. It can be hard to choose but I did so enjoy seeing you here, Patsy. Blessings.

  30. Beth, I feel like I know something about you already from our exchanges on FMF. This is a great idea. My favorite color is blue. I especially love the perfect sky on a clear, Southern California day, the blue of my husband's eyes, and the multi-shades of blue in God's awesome creation of the ocean--one of my favorite places to be. I wear a lot of blue because it makes my fickle hazel eyes seem blue (although I'm learning to love my eyes when they're green too!)

    My other favorite color is red. Red is my accent color. It allows my introverted self to feel like I'm taking a risk and giving people opportunity to talk to me. And red reminds me always of Christmas. I keep a few Christmas things out all year because Christmas brings me so much joy. 205 days until Christmas; share the JOY!

    1. Blue and red . . . I just love your colors, Debbie, and the reasons why. Thank you so much for sharing. And oh my . . . now only 204 days until Christmas. :) Joy! Joy! Joy!

  31. Beth, you are amazing! Love your heart for friendship!!!

  32. i'm always drawn to the color purple...but I don't decorate my home with purple - I prefer more subtle colors in the home.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and sharing, Jill. Blessings.

  33. In your most recent post you declared it's "never to late", so I'm starting here! I love this idea. It looks like you have a gift for bringing people together! My current favorite color is orange. Gerbera daisy orange. Like sky on fire orange at sunset. Warm, bright, and cheery!


Thank you for leaving a comment! I love hearing from you and I read every one. Be sure to subscribe to comments or check back as I try to respond to all comments. I also do my best to hop on over to your blog for a visit.
Much love to you.