Monday, July 14, 2014

Get to Know You Monday (Vol. 7)

I spent very little time at home this past weekend which meant there was no time for writing. Hence, I'm bringing you a short and simple post for Volume 7 of Get to Know You Monday.

We celebrated 50 years of marriage for my amazing and wonderful parents throughout the weekend. I captured the below photo right after they renewed their vows. They celebrated 50 years of marriage but their relationship actually began when in the eighth grade. Awesome, indeed!!

And 50 years of marriage gave them this . . . 10 children.

I am the 4th oldest. There are two sets of twins in the family. The two before me are twin girls and the youngest are twin boys. My parents thought they were done after eight children and were pleasantly surprised to find out my mom was pregnant again and with twins!

There are 20 grandchildren, 4 step-grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Another grandchild is on the way. (Not all included in photo; like mine are missing.)

Of course I brought my husband along for the celebration. #photobomb

I'm sharing one more picture with my man from the evening simply because I can.

That husband of mine comes from a family of seven boys. He is the youngest of the seven. Each brother is married and has a beautiful family of their own. So our family gets bigger and bigger.

As you all should know, we have two boys and a lovely daughter-in-law.

So what are we discussing today for Get to Know Your Monday? Who is your family? Tell me anything you would like to share. As always, if you have a picture to share come on over to my blog Facebook page.

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  1. Congratulations to your whole family! What a wonderful celebration. I had no idea you were one of 10 children!

    My parents will have been married 57 years next month and were high school sweethearts. Aren't we blessed to have such a legacy of faithfulness and commitment?!

    I wrote about my family today too because we celebrated my son's military service this weekend. It was awesome!

    1. 57 years! That is wonderful. I love it. And yes, so blessed by the example they leave of faithfulness and commitment. Loved your post too. So glad you were able to celebrate your son's service. Much love to you, Holly. xoxo

  2. 10 kids - wow! What an exciting time it must have been in your home growing up! I'm the youngest of 4 children, myself, and spent the last 6 years at home basically like an only child because of the age differences in my siblings. I was called "the baby", for years (seriously!!) and even now, I am jokingly called that by some, even though I'm 52! LOL

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Isn't the youngest always referred to as the baby no matter the age? :) lol. My mom was always pregnant so there isn't a big gap from oldest to youngest so EVERYONE was home. It was rather crazy at times. Thank you for sharing, Joan. Love you.

  3. My parents celebrated their 61st anniversary on June 28! My dad was a teacher and administrator for Los Angeles Unified School District for 40 years, but also always worked extra jobs after school and at night because it was important to him that my mom get to stay home with us. I am the oldest of their three children; my brother is 20 months younger than I am, and my sister is 7 years younger than me. k

    On Thursday, my dad, fell and hit his head. He seemed fine for the day, and he and my mom enjoyed the day. He fell asleep on the couch around 6 that evening, and my mom couldn't wake him up. He suffered a massive head injury, and passed away Friday night.

    My parents are the anchor of our family. I wrote a blog about them on Saturday morning in honor of my dad:

    1. Debbie, my sympathies go out to you. My parents celebrated their 61st last year. And, in January, my dad also fell and suffered many injuries. He passed away 10 days later. So, I am sorry to hear about this. May God hold you all close with His comfort and peace.

      GOD BLESS.

    2. My heart goes out to you, Debbie. I am so sorry for your loss. I too pray for God to hold you close and bring you peace and comfort. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to pray for you. {Hugs}

  4. I love this prompt! We just happened to take a great family photo at the water park this weekend, which is perfect for my post today!

    I love all your pictures. The photo of your husband reminds me of Flat Stanley :)

    1. I loved your post, Jennifer. And I love that the questions have been inspiring you to write a post in response. Makes me smile big!! Love you. xoxo

  5. Oh, girl ... you look like your mama and sisters!

    Family matters. And these are the little tootsies who light my way ...

    But it's my mom I'm focused on right now ...

    1. Yeah. We either look just like or mom or just like our dad. :) Praying for your mom, Linda. Headed over to read your post in bit. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I loved all these pictures - I can see that the ladies of your family share the same smile!

    I come from a small family and my husband comes from a big family! I have one grandma still living - she just turned 99 - and one brother. My husband has 6 sisters.

    For our immediate's just the four of us. We live thousands of miles from our families, so we depend on our church family a lot.

    1. Oh my. Six sisters! I'm sure that makes for some fun stories. I'm so glad you have a wonderful church family to depend on, Jill. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.

  7. Now that is a great looking family :) I'm glad you got to spend the weekend with them! Just the four of us. I have one brother and Kris has three! Those brothers all have beautiful families. Mine in Holland, Kris's in Iowa. We leave this weekend to spend two weeks with our Iowa family.

    1. Enjoy your time with family, Lisa!! Thanks for sharing. Much love. xoxo

  8. Congratulations and may God bless you all.

  9. How fun, Beth!! Congratulations to your Mom and Dad! They must have gotten married when they were children - they don't look old enough to have been married for 50 years! And your siblings, and offspring, and your *hubby* are something to be very proud of!

    My family? Well, my dad was the oldest of two brothers, and my mom was an only child. I am the oldest child of my parents, and the oldest grandchild. I have a younger brother and sister. I have two sons, and a new (wonderful!) daughter-in-law as of last November. My brother and sister have a son and daughter each. Of course, my family also includes my adorable granddog, Marty. There are no grandchildren as of yet, but we'll let the Lord be in charge of that!!

    A much smaller family than yours, but tight-knit and fun. One sidenote, though, my dad's dad was the oldest of 12 children. My other grandpa was the oldest of two sons. Therefore, I am the oldest daughter of the oldest son and only child of two oldest grandpas! If I ever wonder why I am over-responsible and a perfectionist I don't have to look far to see why - the *apple* has not fallen far from the tree!!


    1. I must say I'm ready for my son and his wife to give me a grandchild but yes, we'll leave that to the Lord's timing. I am thankful that they are headed home to visit TODAY!! Thank you so much for sharing, Sharon. I always enjoy your comments because they always make me smile. Much love. xoxo

  10. Wow, that is awesome, Beth. My parents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in Aug. They are an inspiration. They are on their celebratory trip to Mackinac Island right now, and we are going down to see them next week. Thanks for sharing. I love all the pictures.

    1. Congrats to your parents on their upcoming 50th anniversary. That is so wonderful. I've never been to Mackinac Island but it's on my bucket list. Enjoy your time together. Blessings. xoxo

  11. Fun photos, Beth! Congrats to your parents - what a beautiful family you have! My dad was one of seven so we always had a lot of family around during the holidays. Sadly, he only has three sisters left. For my immediate family, it's just me and my brother, We live in different states, but my mom and dad live close to me. My dad is 83 and lives next door, He doesn't need physical care, but we do everything else for him. He doesn't get around very well anymore. My mom is still very active and lives close by. My husband has five children from 18 to 50! So things are always interesting around here!

    Glad I was able to join in today - have a blessed week!

  12. How fun! My parents have been married for 44 years. I am the oldest, and I have one sister. She's only 16 months younger than I am. She has 2 boys, 2 stepsons, and a stepdaughter. I have a son and a daughter. Hubby is the middle child of 3. He has an older brother and a younger sister. His brother has one son, and his sister has no children. In short, we have the only granddaughter on both sides. Yes, it leads to some serious spoiling! :) (The stepdaughter didn't come into my sister's life until she was a teen.)

    Love the photo bombs, those always make me smile. :)
    Love you! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  13. I love that you photo bombed your husband in and I am super impressed that you and all 9 of your siblings got together. I'm sure your parents were so thankful to have their whole (HUGE!) crew in the same place.

    For me...I'm the youngest of three girls and I mostly grew up with just my mom and sisters, so now living in this house full of BOYS (my husband and three sons) is quite the culture shock. Even though I was a tomboy growing up, the amount of dirt and wrestling and innate weapons noises that overtakes my house is still astonishing. But I love it because I love all my men. :)

  14. I have three sisters and I'm third in line. My two older sisters and I had our children at the same time(three each) and raise them together. They have a sweet relationship with each other to this day, and are now raising their families together now. What a blessing families are! Love you, Joanne

  15. Wow, what a beautiful family! I always thought it'd be fun to come from a large family. I lost my older sister in my teens, have an older brother and a half-sister almost 18 years younger than me!

  16. I love seeing the beautiful pictures of your family. What a treasure it is to celebrate family. I am lucky to have four brothers - two older and two younger-yes I am the middle child and the only girl! I have two sons who are the light of my life. No daughter-in-laws or grand babies yet but cannot wait for that day. So glad for the chance to get to know you better!

  17. Lovely pictures!
    We had 4 in our family.
    There are very few girls & lots of boys between hubby's family and mine.


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