Monday, July 21, 2014

Get to Know You Monday (Vol. 8)

This week I am headed to San Diego to spend a few days with my son and daughter-in-law before my son leaves on his first deployment.

Of course I wish they lived closer to home (home being a suburb of Chicago).

City of Chicago

However, there are no complaints over visiting them in San Diego. Let's just say . . . I'm a big fan.

City of San Diego

My son was stationed in Washington, D.C. his first two years in the Navy. I visited him five times during the two years he lived there. It's a quick two hour flight from Chicago with a reasonable airfare. Tears were shed when the time came for them to leave D.C.

As much as I love San Diego, I love D.C. even more.

Washington, D.C.

Maybe my love stems from memories made. Our first official family vacation included a stop in D.C. We were only there a day and a half but not a moment was wasted. The monuments, Smithsonian Museums, National Zoo, National Cathedral and Arlington National Cemetery all received our attention.

Many memories were made during the two years my son resided there . . . too many to summarize in a single post. Here's one more photo though.

I love the memories we have from our times together in D.C. My love for D.C. runs even deeper than memories though. For me the city of D.C. breathes a willingness to love others above yourself no matter the cost. And that gives this Jesus girl who has a heart to love with the same willingness goosebumps.

[I wrote a post in February 2013 which also speaks to my love for D.C. You can read here.]

Do you have a favorite city? A favorite city you have visited or perhaps you live in your favorite city? As always, feel free to share any pictures on my blog Facebook page.

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  1. Blessings on you as you send off another loved one. Praying for God's protection over your husband and son, (and over you)!

  2. I pray you have safe travels and a wonderful visit with your son. My favorite city to visit is NY. I've only been once and can't wait to go back again! I also loved living in Charlotte. So I guess that's two favorite cities! :-)

    1. Thank you for your prayers, Holly. We actually stopped in New York on that first official vacation I mentioned in my post. It is a fun city. :)

  3. gorgeous family you've got there, Beth ...

    have fun fun fun this week as you make the memories together ...

  4. Enjoy a wonderful trip! I've visited San Diego a couple of times and loved it. Especially the zoo and the food. Yum. My favorite two places to visit are Colonial Williamsburg and your stomping ground - Chicago. I went to school in River Forest and loved exploring the city. Not a huge fan of the weather in winter though! Enjoy getting those hugs this week. Blessings!

    1. I do love Chicago too . . . minus the winters. And this past one was a rough one. If you ever make your way to Chicago again you will need to let me know. Blessings.

  5. So very glad you get to spend time with your family. God bless all of you!
    I hope you have extra special blessings on this trip, Beth. :)

    As for my favorite city... I've visited a lot so I'm not really sure which is my favorite. I suppose I'd have to say there's a tie… Any city or town that is beautifully sitting on the beach. :-)

    1. I'm always happy by the beach too. :) Thank you for stopping by and sharing, Heather. {Hugs}

  6. I'm not much of a city girl so I don't know if I have a favorite. Chicago makes me think of home and I'm headed there next week. I like Portland a lot because it's a small city, and I also enjoy Seattle. I haven't been to DC in a long time...hope to get there with my girls in the next 5 years or so.

    Hope you have a great trip!

    1. Seattle is on my list of cities I'd like to visit. Thanks for sharing, Jill. I hope you get that trip to DC with your girls too. :) Blessings.

  7. Hi Beth! Great family photos, thanks for including them here. Have a safe trip and a great time with your son and daughter in law in sunny California. My sisters and I had a long weekend in San Diego a few years ago. So pretty!
    I like a lot of cities, but Santa Fe really stands out. Beautiful architecture, great things to see, great food.

    1. Never been to Santa Fe. My husband does say he wants to explore all of the U.S. before we plan any overseas trips so this post may have helped me add some cities to the top of our list to visit. :) How fun!! I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks. Much love.

  8. Have a wonderful time, and a safe trip, sweet friend!! <3

    I'm not a city girl, but I'll post photos of the favorite places we have lived on your fb page. :)

    Love you! <3

    Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    1. Thank you for sharing a photo on my Facebook page, Shelly. Love you so much.

  9. Beth,
    Hands down I love Charleston, SC for it's southern hospitality, charm, history and of course nearby beaches :) Hope you have a wonderful visit out west!!
    Love and ((HUGS)),

    1. We actually did a trip to Charleston, SC several years ago for Thanksgiving. We only spent one evening there but we did very much enjoy. Thank you for sharing, Bev. Love you. (((hugs)))

  10. Beth,
    I've lived my entire life in Southern California. Twenty years ago (!), a fellow teacher and I started going to San Clemente the day after school got out to sit and watch the waves, read, and chat. Around 5:00, we go to the pier for a bucket of clams or mussels and a loaf of sourdough bread. We talk some more and watch the sun sparkling on the water as it sets.

    Whenever I need time away from the chaos of everyday life, I love to go to this special place God created. I watch the waves, the birds and the people, and get lost in the beauty of His goodness.

    Enjoy your son. Each moment with our children is a precious gift from God.

    Love and ((HUGS))

    1. Sounds like a wonderful place to escape to, Debbie. And I loved the picture you shared on my Facebook page. Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Blessings to you. xoxo

  11. Hmm, a favorite city? I'm going to have to think about that one, Beth! I'm a country girl at heart, an am feeling rather partial to my front porch lately :) Your photos are cracking me up, though - I love the way the guys are trying to look all tough and serious, lol. It's obvious y'all were having a grand time! Thanks for sharing and have a safe trip - you're in my prayers!

    1. Thanks, June. Those boys of mine are rather silly. :) I wish I could come hang out on your front porch with you. That would be so lovely. Much love to you, friend. xoxo

  12. I hope you are able to make your way there one day, Michelle. There is so much to see. Thanks so much for sharing. Blessings.

  13. My favorite city...Hmmmm. Even though I grew up just east of San Francisco, I'm a country girl at heart! I loved the years we lived in the small Sierra Foothills town of Angels Camp (Population approx. 3,000). And more recently when we lived in Santa Rosa (not as small as Angels, but still has that "small town" feel). But, if I can answer the question on a broader scale and name my favorite place, I want to say Yosemite National Park!! I have so many wonderful memories of there and the scenery is breath taking. We try to visit each year and I'm looking forward to heading that way again this fall!! Enjoy your trip to San Diego, Beth!! Love, Joan

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Love all the pictures in today's post! ♥ I'd have to say my favorite cities are Pittsburgh and Orlando - great memories in both! :)

  16. your blog redesign is fantastic!!! I have been looking at in on FB so I couldn't really see it as a whole. WOW!

    I don't think i could choose a favorite city... hmmmm.

    praying for you and your son, your families as well. i hate this, really I do! i know it's our job but still it stinks.


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