Monday, September 1, 2014

Get to Know You Monday (Vol. 14)

Happy Labor Day.

The only thoughts in this brain of mine are ones of my husband's homecoming. I can now say, "He will be home THIS MONTH." Happy September!

There has been no desire to write. And it's a holiday. You should go visit Patricia Hunter of Pollywog Creek. She shares a post that is perfect for this day.

To not lose momentum with Get to Know You Monday, I will leave you with one of my favorite questions because it has a way of encouraging a rich conversation. If we were to gather together I would surely ask you to share a high and a low. It could be for the day, weekend, week or even the year.

But for today . . . 

What is a high and a low from your weekend? You can come back tomorrow, after you finish up the long weekend, if you prefer.

I honestly don't have a low. It has been a weekend filled with lovely moments. My legs are rather sore from the excessive weeding I did on Friday so maybe that could be my low. Another holiday weekend without my husband could also qualify as a low but thankfully this will be my last one. 

My high? 

On Friday evening I visited my friend Jill Foley's blog and read her post Collecting Beauty and Savoring Summer. Jill inspired me to spend the weekend collecting beauty.

The collecting of beauty began that Friday evening with a walk around my neighborhood.

I was creeping in neighbors yards for these next two.

On Saturday the Army wives spent the evening together making signs for our husbands homecoming. Oh what joy! The house we gathered at has quick access to Lake Michigan so we hung out by the water for a while. We all wore big smiles for the wait that is almost over.

I had another marvelous day on Sunday with my small group from church but the camera never made it out of my bag.

There may be more hunting for beauty today. We will see.

Seriously though. I am on a constant high knowing my husband will soon be home. Ten months is a LONG time, friends. Forgive me for not being able to talk about anything else right now. All I can think about is running into his arms again.

But Monday's are about YOU. So would you please share a high and low from your weekend?

If you have a photo to share PLEASE come share here.

P.s. My new weekend high . . . a phone call from my son. He's somewhere out there at sea. Words cannot adequately express how wonderful it was to hear from him.

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  1. Beth, I couldn't be happier about your husband's imminent return! I can hardly wait to hear all about your thoughts and feelings when he gets home! Hoping that you're having an enjoyable Labor Day today - and that you're NOT doing any laboring!!

    To answer your questions: A high? Going to yard sales and finding a perfect new *addition* for our rustic look - an old steer skull and horns! A low? Fretting about my son's beagle who is experiencing some health problems. :-( Actually, would really appreciate some prayers about that.


    1. Sharon, my dog has been experiencing health issues so I fully understand how difficult that is. I will be praying for you son's beagle. Thank you for sharing and for allowing us to pray with you. {Hugs} xoxo

  2. Eeek! I am so excited for your husband's return. I am thankful you got out to capture some of that beauty all around this weekend. Your photos are gorgeous!

    A high for me this weekend was church. I guess I really didn't do too much. Normally, I am always serving somewhere, but this Sunday I got to sit and take it all in. A low? Something I've been dealing with for a bit now. But God is GOOD! Love you!

    1. I am delighted to hear you took a Sunday to take it all in, Barbie. I think those days are truly needed. You remain in my prayers ALWAYS. God is GOOD and I continue to pray He reveals Himself to you in new ways. Love you. xoxo

  3. So happy that your husband's return is on the horizon. And I'm thrilled that my post about collecting beauty inspired you : )

    My low...My sore legs from so much running.

    My high... letting my girls serve me in their restaurant. They prepared and served me dinner and had so much fun doing it.

    1. Oh I so am with you on the sore legs. And now mine are sore and full of mosquito bites. They were horrible today. Your high sounds rather lovely, Jill. Smiling for you. xoxo

  4. Hi Beth! EEEEEEEE! It's coming so soon for you! Yay!
    I can just see you creeping through the neighborhood. You have some beautiful photos, you really did collect beauty. And the day making signs must have been so fun. To be with people who really understand your feelings and missing your husband. (I want a home next to water just like that some day!)
    Good thing this weekend: First article published in a print magazine. Pretty cool!
    Bad thing this weekend: the washing machine decided to give up. Boooo!
    Hope this day is full of beauty for you too,

    1. The creeping was kindof funny, Ceil. Especially the houses where the lights pop on because it was getting darker as I walked. Boohoo on washing machine dying. Now what magazine would I find this article. Please do tell!!!
      Much love.

  5. We don't blame you one bit, Beth, we are all so excited for you that your husband is coming home - whoot - whoot! Love that shot of the sun over the field of wildflowers - pure beauty! Your weekend sounds wonderful! My high is the 2doz coral-colored roses my sweet husband bought me and my {our} low has been dealing with a life-altering decision {mistake} our youngest son made this week. We are praying for God's mercy. He is good - all the time - God is good. Blessings!

    1. Your husband sounds like one sweet man. So kind of him to bring you home roses. :) I am sorry about your son, June. I will join you in praying for God's mercy. He is good! ALL THE TIME. Much love to you, friend. xoxo

  6. Hi Beth,

    I am excited for you!

    My high for this weekend was going to Celebrate Freedom, an all day Christian concert.
    The high of Celebrate Freedom was seeing Stephen Curtis!

    A low..was when our neighbors dog started chasing after me. We had to call Animal Control.

    1. I have never been to a Christian concert, Michelle. It's on my bucket list and something I hope to cross off soon. Sounds so lovely. I am so sorry about your neighbors dog chasing you. I love dogs but NOT when they are chasing me. I am always very careful with mine because you just never know how they will respond to something.
      Thank you for stopping by and for sharing.
      Blessings. xoxo

    2. Beth, Celebrate Freedom is an all day `free` Christian concert in Atlanta and in Texas.
      I was wore out though. I am just now feeling like I'm rested :)

      Blessings to you my friend!

  7. Beth,
    I am so happy for you...10 months is a very long time...thank you for sharing your gorgeous photos...I need to learn how to take pictures and load them up into a blog post...which is why I'm so thankful for Flickr CC...praying for a wonderful reunion for you both :)

    1. Thank you, Dolly. I am not the greatest with taking photos but I do love to play around with the camera. Thank you for your prayers. It's always wonderful to see you here. Blessings.

  8. I'm doing a happy dance over here in Ohio for you Beth! Soon, so soon you will have your hubby home and the ten months will seem like a memory. Love the idea of collecting beauty! Your pictures are wonderful! My high was spending time with family this weekend and my low was having to say goodbye to them. A couple of days is never enough with family but each moment is a gift wrapped in laughter and old and new memories. Have a beautiful week!

    1. There is lots of happy dancing going on over here in Chicago!! Thanks for dancing with me. I am glad you had a wonderful weekend with family. I know how the time can go by too quickly and the good-byes are never easy. The time together is a precious gift. So glad God gave you that gift. Blessings to you, Mary. xoxo

  9. Hi Beth,
    My high would have to be the nice conversation my husband and I had while eating lunch and sitting on our screened in porch yesterday. It was just and easy time of give and take and just reminded me why I love this man! The low would be seeing my daughter (who also has OCD) struggle terribly this weekend. As a mother, not being able to comfort your child - no matter how old they are - is always frustrating. Counting the days with you...
    Love and ((hugs)),

    1. That sounds like a wonderful way to spend the day Bev. I cannot wait to sit on the porch with my man! I am sorry to hear about your daughter. It's so true . . . no matter how old they are we want to be able to comfort them. When I cannot it has taught me once again how I really need to let go and let God. Not easy though. Saying a prayer for your daughter. Love you. xoxo

  10. Dear Beth,
    You are such an example of the Proverbs 31 woman we all long to be. I lift praises to God for the faith and joy in your heart at the return of your husband. I cannot imagine being separated from someone I love for so long.

    My high this weekend, and there were many, was seeing my daughter, Erin, and two of my grandchildren, Zach (who will be 13 in 2 weeks!) and Katie (11). We laughed and talked and enjoyed a few hours together. My low was an argument with my husband. But we resolved it quickly (and this is a high all by itself since even after almost 38 years of marriage we often stew too long.

    Love and ((hugs))

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Debbie. I could not have done these months apart from my husband without God and without the many, many friends who have supported and loved me every step of the way.

      Your time with your daughter and grandchildren sounds lovely. I know how precious that time can be. And I am glad to hear you did not let the argument with your husband "stew" for very long. That is something my husband and I have gotten better at with him gone because the last thing you want to do is argue when apart like that. I pray we've learned from the experience and do the same once he's home. It's an area we have struggled with in the past. Thank you so much for sharing, Debbie. Blessings. xoxo

  11. Beth, I am THRILLED for your Hero to be home!!! Just can't wait!! Love you!!! <3 Heart Hugs, Shelly

  12. Good morning! it's a quiet Tuesday, nice for reflecitng back. High was having my son in law back from a 2 week business trip. We had a family dinner Sunday. Then yesterday they all were back for grape picking and jelly making. A fun time together..Everyone pitched in. It was fun to just set out the soup bowls for dinner. No table setting. We ate were we wanted. The little girls did line up at the dining rom table inbetween their poines to eat while listening to Princess music. Meg played with them and Amy helped with the sorting and stirring. Low point was achng back that made everything else hard on Saturday. I said to Meg I look awful dont I? Messy hair and hunched over. The aweetie asked, answer as you're my mom or the truth. Nevermind. I know. I took some Advil and laid in the heating pad with a little nap. I was better after that. We were and are blessed.

    1. Sounds like a lovely weekend, Linda. A family dinner . . . love it! It will be a while before I have that again but it will just be oh so much sweeter when we are all together again. I am so grateful you stopped by to share. It was delightful to read about your weekend. :)
      Blessings to you.

  13. Feeling blesssed to read about all the gala' weekend up and downs, Getting to know you is a privilege. The normal makes you all more real. Beth, I know the difficulties and blessing of military separations and rejoice with you over your husband soon return and to hear from your son. Mine was in a desert 2x; now out. Jim is retired but also went to a desert long ago. Blessings, Linda

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words, Linda. I truly appreciate them. And thank you to your husband for his service. xoxo

  14. Gorgeous photos!! What a wonderful idea. A beauty hunt. LOVE IT!

    I had a really blessed weekend of seeing an old friend, taking an afternoon Sabbath nap, and starting a new book. Good time with all 4 of my guys. No low to report. Blessed mama.

    1. I love naps! I don't get them enough but love when I do. Sounds like a lovely weekend, Becky. Thank you so much for stopping by and sharing. Blessings. xoxo

  15. High... knowing your man is coming home! Woot! Woot!

    A weekend get-away spent with family.

    Lows... hmmmmm, I do not really have one either :-)

    1. Woot! Woot! for family get-away!! Always good to see you here, Lisa. xoxo

  16. Beth, I love this question. When I hosted a women's lifegroup last year, this was the question I opened with each week. It was a great way to get the ladies talking and get prayer requests going. We could celebrate everyone's highs, and for the ones who had real lows, it allowed them to talk about it.

    My low was being in this temporary condo we are in. Our weekend was not good. The people above and beside us are VERY LOUD and sounded like a herd of elephants this weekend. My husband and I were almost in tears as it was non-stop jumping and running from 8am until after 11pm.The one next door was pounding on the wall in the middle of the night, and her dog scratches on the door continuously throughout the day. We both work at home a lot and can hear it most places in the condo. We have talked with each tenant and asked them to be quieter; it has not worked. And to top off the weekend, we got stuck in the elevator that breaks at least once a month. We had to call the fire department to get out.

    Our high - we are getting out of this temporary place...happy dance. We are heading out Thursday to look for a home. I'll be sharing more info on my website once we find a place.

    Praying for your husband's safe return, and for God to bring you joy and peace, and a God-centered marriage full of contentment and love.

  17. Yay! So happy the end is near. You have been ever so gracious.

    High: Seeing my students again. Low: Saying goodbye to summer.

  18. My high was being with my daughter and her family...especially my sweet Cohen and Cambrie!! Low...having to drive home yesterday! LOL xoxo


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