Wednesday, January 2, 2013

God Loves You

"God Loves You.  I don't know when is the last time you heard that, but God Loves You."

Those words were said over and over as our Executive Pastor's wife spoke to a group of woman.

Her words spoke directly to my heart.  I couldn't help but to wonder how those words were speaking to others in that room.  Was there someone there that felt unworthy of His love? Was there someone there who truly hadn't heard those words before?

I know for me, I can never hear those words enough.  Too many times I let them slip from my mind and lose focus of that truth.

We were given a list of descriptive words and she asked us to pick one and then describe what that person might be like.  After going around the different tables in the room to share how each group described someone just from a few words, she shared that the descriptive words she provided were words that described her.

What she said next was important so don't skip over this...

"Those descriptions are not who we are.  And, we shouldn't use those words to define who others are.  For those who believe, we are children of God...we are princesses!"

Here was this woman who I think is simply amazing sharing details of her life that I had not previously known.  If I had known them before getting to know her heart, would I have felt differently about her?  What identity would I have placed on her?

We are way to quick to judge people and to place some type of identity on them before we ever have the opportunity to know their heart.  Why is that?  Do they somehow scare us and we find it easier to an excuse to why we don't need to take the time to get to know their heart? Could it be we are afraid to let them get to know our own heart?

The labels we put on others aren't always necessarily bad ones, but they are still labels.  Our identity should only be found in who we are in Christ.

As this fabulous woman speaking to us shared, "We are children of God...we are princesses!"

Let these words from Psalm 139:13-14 sink into your heart...

"For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made: your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Do you hear that? He created you, and His works are wonderful.  We need to believe that about ourselves and treat others with that same knowledge.  Believe this truth...His works are wonderful.

Let's move forward with this knowledge and for every person you may meet, look at them and say, "He created you.  His works are wonderful."

And, more importantly, believe this about yourself.  His works are wonderful!

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