Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Three Word Wednesday: See-You-Later {Guest Post}

There has not been much free time for writing since returning from San Diego. The pre-planning I did by scheduling to have my lovely milspouse friend Sharita of 7 Days Time guest post today turned out to be wise planning on my part. And seeing that I just had another “see-you-later” moment her topic is rather timely.

Please help me give her a warm welcome by leaving some comment love after you read her post and link up. This girl always makes me smile. You will love her!!

By the way, the Love Dare series will continue. I'm taking a short term break with Dare 13 scheduled for Wednesday, August 13th. I have something else in the works for next week. You can catch up on previous posts in this series here.

Now back to welcoming Sharita . . .

As an army wife, I have had my fair share of “see-you-later” moments.

I call those challenging farewell experiences “see-you-later” moments because I despise the word goodbye. “Goodbye” seems so… final.

And if you are a Jesus lover like me, there is no finality to the separation with our fellow Jesus-lovers.

This truth alone gives me strength/courage/hope to get out of bed each day and face whatever challenges God has divinely placed in my path.

Although I sound all macho-rock-star-confident about the see-you-later moments in my life, I wasn’t always like that.

I remember my first “see-you-later” moment with my then-boyfriend-yet-soon-to-be-husband Brandon.

We met 4 months prior and were just a few short days from facing a 12-month see-you-later as he headed to Iraq for the third time.

We were head over heels crazy for each other, already talking about our post-deployment marriage plans once he returned from “The Sandbox.”

Brandon was my first (and only) real boyfriend.  I had only been legitimately walking with Jesus for a couple of months at that point. Needless to day, I was less than excited about the upcoming deployment.

As the days of togetherness drew to a close, the two of us joined his family for a wedding. I was going through the typical process of meeting oodles of his relatives. His great Aunt Nancy was quite a hoot—a woman who was loud, adorable, funny, and a lover of Christ.

I wanted to be her friend.  Until we got to the see-you-later moment.

As we were saying our “see-you-laters” to the extended family, everyone repeatedly told Brandon that they would be praying for him, to keep his head down, all the typical pre-deployment blessings.

Then came Aunt Nancy’s turn. She gave my Beloved a hug and kiss, told him she loved him and said the words I have yet to forget: “Take care of yourself, Brandon. I will see you later. If not on this side, then definitely the next.”

My stomach dropped to my toes. I wanted to find the nearest trashcan, grocery bag or potted plant because I thought I was going to throw up.

Dear. Lord. In. Heaven. He really is deploying. I might never see him again. What am I supposed to do? 

Then I heard God whisper: “Daughter, trust me. I have you both in my care. And since you both love me, you WILL see him again one way or another.” 

Honestly, that sentiment brought me little comfort in the moment. It did keep me from redecorating the nearest potted plant, but I was still a ball of nerves facing the rapidly approaching see-you-later deployment moment.

Thankfully, Brandon returned a year later and we were married two months after he was back on American soil. In the years since that very first see-you-later moment and heart-jarring statement from Aunt Nancy, we have had many, many more see-you-later moments ranging from a few days to a few weeks to several months.

And wouldn’t you know it? As my relationship with Christ has grown, so has my peace and confidence in the thought about not saying goodbye but embracing the promise of “see-you-later” within Christ.

You don’t have to be the spouse or parent of a military service member to embrace this see-you-later concept. We all have experiences where we are temporarily separated from those we love, be it due to miles, technology, life circumstances or even those Christ followers who have already been called home.

Dear readers, when we are facing a tough “see-you-later” experience in life, we should adopt an attitude like Aunt Nancy. We can say our see-you-laters with confidence, allowing His peace and promise to flow through our veins. We can face those hard moments with the knowledge that no matter what happens, we have hope that we will someday take part in the most glorious reunion…

Be it on this side or the next.

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Sharita Knobloch describes herself as a Jesus-loving, enthusiastically creative minister, writer, and Blackaby Spiritual Leadership Coach.  She loves encouraging others to find Jesus in the everyday and live in His light through blogging and coaching at 7 Days Time Ministry. She adores her family, specifically her Beloved U.S. Army Infantry husband Brandon, their sweet daughter Charis, and goofy little dog Justus. Sharita enjoys exploring her current “home” state of Washington, working on her love-hate relationship with running,  breaking in new journals with inky pens, and the occasional square of dark chocolate in the bathtub.

Connect with Sharita on her Website, Facebook or Twitter.


  1. Sharita- I'm so grateful that your husband returned safely, and I'm so grateful for this message. We can have confidence when we say good-bye, and we can hold on loosely to what we love because we are secure in our future with Him. This is a beautiful message...beautifully written. Thank you for sharing it. And please thank your husband for serving.

    1. Thank you so much for your support, Karen. It has been such a growth opportunity in Christ and we look forward to serving as long as He allows-- as many "See-you-laters" that it takes. Blessings!

  2. Hi Sharita, yes in the many See you later moments that my husband and I have shared regardless of how long our separations might be we have had and continue to have no idea what lies ahead but praise God He is in every single moment.

    1. Isn't that encouraging, Sandra? Gives such hope and peace in the tough moments. Thanks for joining the conversation today! Blessings to you, sister (and "see" you tomorrow over at 7DT for #EverydayJesus :-)

  3. Sharita, as a military mama I say thank you for your family's service and sacrifice. The see-you-laters are tough. But I'm so grateful for the promise that God walks with us through all of our days here and promises us more days ahead There. Thanks for the reminder that see-you-laters don't have to be final!

    1. So appreciate your encouragement, Holly. And yes, I am at peace that God is bigger than any military orders-- and HIS plan always reigns. Praying for your role as a military mama.

  4. Sharita, loved this post. Loved that in Him, we will see one another later. Grateful to both you & your husband for his serving us all! Blessings!

    1. So thankful you enjoyed it... it was a joy to write (and a message I always need reminded of too!) Thanks a ton for chiming in.

  5. Such a thoughtful post, here, Sharita. Not only for those times...but also to show more gratitude for having family nearby as I watch my sister-in-law (many states away) take care of 4 kiddos every time my brother goes overseas. How we take for granted when we have our loved ones all around us! Thank you for this...

    1. Yes, Ginger... the solo parenting piece of things can be difficult following a see-you-later moment. We only have one tiny human to wrangle currently but it still draws us near to God each moment. Thanks for your sweet feedback.

  6. Thanks for sharing this sweet post, Sharita. Blessings!

    1. You are so very welcome, Renee. Excited to continue to get to know you here in the online world-- your words are always dripping with Christ :-)

  7. This is beautiful, Sharita! What a refreshing way to look at our "see you laters". Holding the fact that we will definitely see them again in Heaven and knowing this in our heart sometimes don't match but your words ring true. Thank you for this lovely post! Mary

    1. So appreciate your sweet words, Mary. Clinging to Christ's promise in the see-you-later moments is something I still have to practice but it is amazing to watch how He continues to grow our faith through it. Blessings!

  8. Thanks for having such a great linkup! <3

  9. There are times I refuse to say 'good-bye'. I rest in the hope we have even in hopeless situation. How we need to keep an eternal perspective and believe that this in not our home; that we are only sojourners and ask the Lord to increase our faith until we reach that shore.
    Thank you for sharing on Beth's Three Word Wednesday!

    And BETH!! May your birthday be filled with many blessing this day! Much love!!

    1. I (obviously) agree, Rebekah... Perspective can make a huge difference! Thanks for joining the conversation.

  10. Sharita, What a beautiful name! I join the others is saying I'm thankful your husband returned safely. Thanks for sharing this beautiful perspective on "See You Later." You blessed my day!

    1. Aww, shucks... Thanks Deb. I am a big fan of my name too-- except for when I have to spell it 20 times to someone on the phone ;-)

  11. Nice to meet you Sharita. Although I cannot relate in having to say "see-you-later" for military deployment, I've had to say it to friends who have since moved and I refused to say goodbye. I am hoping God will allow us to visit and be together again soon. Blessings!

    1. You certainly don't have to be military to embrace the see you later concept, that is for sure. I do it with ALL my friends and seasons of life. Thanking God for His promises.

  12. What a gift that Aunt Nancy is! My husband and I have had our share of 'see you later' moments as well. There really isn't anything quite as sweet as hearing 'boots on the ground' is there? So far, he's returned whole and well from each separation. Those times away certainly serve to show how precious our time together is. Even the see you later moments. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Boots on the ground is my FAVORITE. THING. EVER. :-) Thanks for giving me that giddy reminder, Janet!

  13. Hi, Sharita! This post is wonderful, and I love knowing how faith progression makes even the most difficult separations bearable and hope-filled. You are a treasure! Thank you both for your service. Love you. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

    1. So appreciate your never-ending supply of kind words, Shelly. You are a blessing! Thank you <3

  14. I haven't has that kind of "see you later", but I've had a few other kinds. Trusting God is the only way to go.
    Thank you for sharing here, Sharita. :)
    God bless your heart to encourage!!

    1. You are so right-- when we trust God we ARE good to go. Thanks for the well wishes and the feedback.

  15. Your perspective opens the door for grace to bring peace and hope to fill the empty spaces those see you later moments leave behind. Thank you for a dose of grace today.

    1. What sweet (and profound!) words, Dawn. Thanks for sharing it so eloquently. It made me smile.

  16. Sharita, what a beautiful post. I've experienced my fair share of "see you laters," although never in the same context as you describe, but never easy. Your words make my heart smile because YES, if we are in Christ, it is never the end. What a glorious truth to hold on to. Thanks for sharing your story here.

  17. Sharita, I am really inspired by your words. I join the others is saying I'm thankful your husband returned securely. Thank you very much in order for sharing this excellent point of view. Have a good luck!


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Much love to you.