I will come right out and admit I'm cheating this week. As much as I'd love to share a few snapshots from my week, I have none. Nope, not a one. Oh wait. I may have one for you as I did go for a long walk over the weekend and snapped at least one good shot (at least in my opinion) along the way.
I've decided to be creative and make use of pictures I took several years ago when taking a photography class. My husband bought me a fancy SLR camera before we headed to Colorado on a family vacation and I returned from the trip knowing I needed to learn how to use it correctly. Unfortunately, once the class ended I quickly forgot most of what I learned. I did hang on to a few of the critiques the teacher provided. His brief comments will be in the caption notes under the photos.
This weekly post is linked up with
Lisa for her "Life Through the Lens" link up so after you make your way through the photos I will share a few random things about my life beyond the lens and will encourage you to share something random about your life. Let's get to know each other!
*** a photography class ***
There is a creek by my house and I've walked over this bridge many of times.
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"I like how the path leads the viewer in to the photo. Vertical lines are nice and straight. I cropped to highlight content and added contrast to photo." |
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"I like the road leading the viewers eye in to the photo. Great use of lines and composition." |
The next few are from a nature center near by. I really should go there more often.
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"Nice shot. Good selective focus. Try to not put your main subject in the middle." |
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"I squared up original photo so it wasn't lost with too much unneeded background." |
I was feeling rather happy when I was told for these next three photos,
"Three nice shots."
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"Nice shot. Very symmetrical. The circle shape in the middle works because of the circular shape." |
To prepare for an upcoming class I spent an evening in downtown Chicago.
I don't remember why but my teacher was rather fond of these next two.
One piece of advice I do remember from the class was to not take photos of strangers. If you do, don't share them on the Internet without their permission. Oops. I have no clue who these two ladies are so if either of you happen to make your way here I'm so sorry. My teacher loved this picture of you though!! :)
Here is the one good photo from one of the many walks I took over the weekend.
My idea of good and your idea of good may be different mind you.
But this is my life through the lens so you get what you get. :)))
A few random things about me...
What am I reading?
A few bloggers came together to promote a book by Noel Brewer Yeatts called, "
Awake: Doing a World of Good One Person at a Time." I'm on chapter four and loving every word! Noel shares a quote from Albert Einstein in Chapter 3 that stood out and I think sums up what this book is about,
"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." I can no longer do nothing.
There is an online study for this book that begins on September 20th. If you are interested you can find out more
What am I studying?
In addition to the
HelloMornings study of Ephesians, we have started two Bible study classes at my church that I'm super excited about.
- Basic: Who is God? - Reclaiming the simple, full and beautiful journey of the church that is described in Scripture.
- Not a Fan. - Are you a fan or a committed follower of Jesus Christ?
Don't be surprised if you read more about these studies in a future post.
What did I do last night?
We had a fabulous Hymn Sing at my church. I was blessed to have my sister and her new baby girl join me! After the Hymn Sing I tagged along with my son and his girlfriend for their weekly trip to a favorite hot dog joint. All and all it was a beautiful Sunday evening.
What am I looking forward to?
This is an easy one! I'm looking forward to having my husband home soon. If I've misled you in previous posts, he has not deployed yet. He is gone a significant amount of time leading up to his deployment (before the end of the year).
What am I grateful for?
This past week I was overly grateful for Skype. It allowed me to see my husband's face many times which makes being apart not quite as hard. I keep trying to convince son #1 to Skype with me more frequently but boys will be boys. I'm also grateful for son #2 who has been a big help around the house while his father is away. (Oh look at that, I have another photo for you!)
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Son #2 mowing the lawn. He is AWESOME! |
Because I can't say this enough, I'm grateful for all of you too
What random scripture did I read this morning?
Psalm 111 (MSG) - I was actually guided there through one of my studies. (Basic: Who is God?)
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
During my "Not a Fan" Bible study class, as part of the introductions we were asked, "If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?" I was really missing my husband at the time so I said I wanted to be in Virginia with him. What I'd really love is to snatch him from Virginia and fly to Ireland together.
How about you? Share in the comments won't you please!