Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Randomness (Vol. 27)

***Beware: There was lots of goodness the past week. Proceed with a willingness to click on many links and be blessed by the hearts of others.

Scripture speaking to my heart

Quotes of the week

Check out the wonderful quotes and scripture Deb Wolf of Counting My Blessings is sharing on grace. It was too hard to choose one as a favorite.

If I really had to choose one it might be this one:

“I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” ~ Anne Lamott

More from Chasing God

“We don't follow Him because we are moved to do so or because we think we're sufficiently prepared. We don't wait for a moment of emotional revelation. We simply fix our eyes, steady ourselves with His promises, and put one foot resolutely in front of the other out of obedience.

And when the feelings of unbelief come like clouds on the path, we form these words with our lips, and we step forward anyways.

Lord . . . I believe.

Breathe in, Breathe out (before I take you on a treasure hunt)


A few of my favorite blog reads

“But the slow rhythmic strides seemed to settle my numb heart, somehow cocooning it, cradling it. The quiet steps soon morphed into the sweetest of prayer walks, a most comforting companion as I sorted through troubling news with the Lover of my soul.” ~ In Which Pacing Became a Prayer Walk, by Linda of Creekside Ministries

“Of course we know that as believers we have the Spirit of God living within us. We are His temple now. So, He's there.  But perhaps, just perhaps, His JOY cannot arrive until I open the door through praise.” ~ Code to Joy, by Sharon of Sharon Sharing God (A Three Word Wednesday post)

“The 'waiting room' can be a place of worry or anxiety, a place of uncertainty not knowing what the future holds. It can be a place of preparation for that future. Or like Paul, it can be a place to (cliché alert) 'bloom where you’re planted.'” ~ Are You Waiting?, by Susan Allen Panzica

“It is often said a man is his worst critic. But I think the truer statement is this: a man is his own bully. All day long under the yoke of comparison and shame, we speak cruelties to ourselves.” ~ Kick Your Negative Self Talk To The Curb by Mike Foster via Storyline

“Let me be clear: there is a difference between honesty and over sharing.  And let me also be clear: many of us cross it.” ~ 8 Important Questions to Avoid Online Over-Sharing by Lisa Whittle

My favorite, favorite blog reads

“I have been wrestling with God, a tug of war if you will, trying to be somebody vs. being the somebody He has asked me to be, made me to be. The struggle between being known and making Him known. But in actuality, I am known by the One and the ones that matter most to me.” ~ The Post I've Been Avoiding by Katie of Echoes of My Heart

“We need to know our stories. For ourselves. For each other. They help us remember who we are and what we are made to do. They help us to mark and to celebrate. We have to believe that, know that, so that we will make time for it.” ~ What Happens When We Hold Our Words Hostage? by Melanie Gillgrist via The Gift of Writing

Great outreach ideas

7 simple outreach ideas to do with those in your neighborhood, town or whomever you are wanting to reach with the love of Christ.” by Karen Ehmann // There is a giveaway too.

A summer ebook to read

My milspouse friend Lori of Standing with the Military Family has an ebook available on Amazon: Front Porch Living: A Faith Journey To The Summers of Yester-year. Sounds like a wonderful book to add to those summer reading list. It's up next for me.


And just two more from me.

A dream come true

This week I shared a guest post with Wives of Faith, a faith-based website that connects military wives. Sharing my words there was a dream come true. You can read my "Hooah" story here.

About Me

My About Me page has finally been updated. What a relief it is to have that completed. Deep sigh. THANK YOU to my sweet friend Tammy for her help. And thank you to Declare for the kick in the butt I needed to make the changes so I could link-up with other attendees.

Wishing you blessings upon blessings.


  1. loved it. especially the part from Chasing God(: Thanks for sharing xos

    1. Thank you. I appreciate you stopping by and taking a moment to leave a comment. Blessings.

  2. Thanks Beth!!! Great links and thanks for including mine!!! :)

    1. I am hoping for some time this weekend to start on your book. :) Blessings.

  3. I've meant to tell you that you're lookin' stunning in your new photo, girlfriend!

    And thanks for being side by side with me on that prayer walk ...

    1. Thank you, lovely friend. Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Much love. xoxo

  4. I just headed over to one of your favorite reads (8 Important Questions) - thanks for the tip. She had some great advice! Now I'm excited to check out your "About Me" section!!

    Have a great weekend, Beth! Hopefully you'll get a lot of beautiful bike rides in!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. You are so sweet, Joan. Thank you for your comment on my About Me page too. I appreciate you. xoxo

  5. Thank you sweet friend. Your encouragement is a priceless gift.

    1. I am always encouraged by what you share, Katie. Hugs to you.

  6. Great stuff, Beth! Wonderful way to start my Friday. Have a blessed day, my friend!

  7. Beth, Thanks for the shout-out! Blessings to you as you wait upon the Lord. Susan

    1. You are most welcome, Susan. Thank you for stopping by. Blessings.

  8. Hi Beth! You did have a wonderful week surfing the blogs didn't you! Congrats on finishing your update to the "About me"! And your images are so peaceful...nice work on those too. You are just blooming my friend. It's fun to see :)

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Ceil. I am so grateful to know you. Hoping we can meet again soon. Hugs,

  9. Love your Friday posts! So many great things to read. Congrats of the Wives of Faith post. Can't wait to read it:)

    1. Thank you, Ginger.I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Blessings.

  10. Beth,
    As the one quote said...we keep putting one foot in front of the other. Some days my footsteps are light and quick and other days they are very laborious. Praying for you as you keep moving forward in faith. I love the Matt Redman song...what a great thought that we breath in His grace with each breath that we take. I have been so busy and preoccupied with workmen here at the house that I have not found a quiet time to call you. Maybe?? this week I can work in a call. I miss you and always keep you close in thought and prayer!
    Love and ((hugs)),

  11. YAY, for dreams come true. My heart is full with this post, full for you :-D


Thank you for leaving a comment! I love hearing from you and I read every one. Be sure to subscribe to comments or check back as I try to respond to all comments. I also do my best to hop on over to your blog for a visit.
Much love to you.