Friday, July 11, 2014

Friday Randomness (Vol. 29)

Scripture speaking to my heart

"I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God." - Psalm 9:1-2

What am I reading?

I'm pondering reading The Srewtape Letters by C.S. Lewis next since it has been on my list for quite some time. In the meantime, on Monday friends shared what they are reading for Get to Know You Monday. There may be a few books mentioned you will want to add to your list.

A few of my favorite blog reads

The Word of God Says in Jesus Christ . . . Only In Him, by Linda of Being Woven

That God shaped hole that exists deep within our souls; that yearning for unconditional acceptance and a love worth dying for; those deep soul desires can only be filled through a relationship with the One true God. The Great Game Changer, by Lori of Standing With The Military Family

Our stories and our words are a vessel of love, a life raft for souls that are sinking. Stars that shine through the darkness. Your Life: A Story Worth Sharing by Matt Ham

The truth is, we sacrifice our freedom on the altar to fear when we measure the size of the waves instead of the size of His hands. How We Measure the Size of the Waves by Diane Bailey

As I wash the sand away and place my small treasures in my pocket, I am reminded to appreciate the simple, imperfect steps toward wholeness and growth. Grace to appreciate what is rather than find fault with what is not. No Ordinary Moments: Discover Grace in the Small Things, By Ginger

More great links

Because summer is here, 13 online stops for you via Outside the City Gate

Blog coaching

My lovely friend Linda of Creekside Ministries is offering a professional 1-1 coaching relationship that is personally crafted to be uniquely yours alone. Find out more here. I spent 30-minutes with her a while back and found our time together to be incredibly helpful.


Find great stories and creative ways to save and give in the new #ImpactEzine.

Blog Hop tour thingy

Have you seen it going around? I have been invited several times to participate and each invite makes it harder to pass on. With the desire to spend less time writing and online I've decided now is not the time for me. But I'm enjoying getting to know writing friends better from what they share and meeting a few of their friends. If you have participated I would love for you to share a link to your post in the comments?

Prayer request

My heart is hurting for my youngest son. He has a broken heart right now and as his mother I wish I could take his pain away. I won't share details but could you please pray for his heart to be encouraged? Thank you, friends.

Wishing you many blessings this weekend.

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  1. I will be praying for your son today, Beth. It is amazing how our hearts can break for our sons. I am so grateful our God knows how to tend to their hearts & to their wounds and binds them up. Much love!

  2. Oh how our hearts ache when one of our children are in pain ... praying for your family right now, Beth.

  3. Praying for your son, your "Hero at Home". Love you so. Heart Hugs, Shelly <3

  4. Praying for your son.
    I am so excited to be finding so many Christian blogs.
    Thank you for this post. God Bless You!

  5. Prayers for your son now Beth. Blessings to you as you listen to the Lord over all things. I so appreciate your heart and the beauty you create in your space here.

  6. Dear, Beth, I would be honored to pray for your son.

    I recommend the Screwtape Letters. Definitely not for everyone, but I enjoyed it. Sweet of you to give Linda a shout out! I just know she's going to do great!

    How fun that the blog tour is still going strong! Here is my contribution:

    I'm bummed I missed Get To Know You Monday this week :( Ugh, Monday's are the worst. But coming here will make them better :)

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Praying for your son, you, and your family.

    God bless.

  8. Praying for him today! Love your new site!

  9. I want to read Screwtape Letters soooooo badly. Just don't have enough hours in each day right now. I'm praying for your son and your family today. You are on my prayer filled heart much of the time. You should share your prayer request in the #ALLIN Facebook group. They would be honored to pray for you too. ❤️

    I did that blog tour about two months ago. First one I had done and it was fun!
    Here is my link:

    My love to you, Heather

  10. Your new blog layout is beautiful, Beth! It is very easy to navigate and very pleasing to the eye! :) Have a blessed weekend!

    Love, Joan

  11. Praying for your son! I LOVE your new design. What a beautiful picture of you :)

  12. Hi Pretty Lady in the Sun Bonnet! I am so sorry about your son, of course he has been in my prayers.
    I know what you mean about the blog hop thing. I have been invited many times, finally decided to join one. Good for you for staying true to your needs.

    One other blogger mentioned the Screwtape Letters, and I have never read it. This is the second mention, so I'll get it on my 'to read' list.
    Hope the alternative date works for you,

  13. I am sorry to wrap this up in one comment instead of responding individually but it's been a busy, busy weekend. But THANK YOU to all of you for praying for my son. God has been tending to both of our hearts these past few days as we work through some changes. Much love to you all. xoxo


Thank you for leaving a comment! I love hearing from you and I read every one. Be sure to subscribe to comments or check back as I try to respond to all comments. I also do my best to hop on over to your blog for a visit.
Much love to you.