I have drafted a post similar to the one you see many other bloggers publishing this time of year. It’s the post where I take a look back at 2014. The post does not share my top viewed posts because I have no desire to look at numbers. If I were to look at numbers, I think it might be more fun to share the least viewed posts. Maybe those posts were simply over looked.
Instead of the top viewed posts of the year, or least viewed posts, my intention was to highlight the most profound moments from 2014. Calling them moments doesn't sound accurate as they are not singular moments. Maybe they are more like themes?
The year came with many challenges. It was a different kind of year. Yet, still a good year.
As I look over the various themes I have captured from the year I see one primary theme which encompasses all the themes.
God is with me.
“Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.”
Psalm 139:7-10
That’s a pretty wonderful theme. Do I need bother sharing the others? This one . . . it’s what matters most.
It was a year of trials but God is faithful.
There was still much joy because of God.
He is the source of our JOY.
His Spirit dwells within me.
He’s always present.
Immanuel, God with us.
My cup runneth over.
It is well with my soul.
At the same time, I find myself somewhat melancholy as the New Year approaches.
I find myself stuck between two new normals: the new normal I found without my husband and the new normal I teeter-totter on with him now home.
The season of waiting continues on. I am waiting for God to reveal His plans. He might be waiting for me to move.
My mind is a jumbled mess. It feels a bit like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle scattered about and I have never been good with puzzles. I cannot stay focused long enough to make the first move.
I need to give God more credit for the way He moves.
He's revealing where change is needed.
Some things will stay the same.
But mostly God’s in the business of transformation.
And He does not work on my time schedule.
He has His own and it’s far better than mine.
My previous new normal included lots of time and space for writing and connecting. I grew as a writer. I believe our friendship grew too. I hope you see me as someone who sees you and someone who shows up. I hope you know you can count on me.
I desire less and less time on social media these days though.
I want God.
I want time with my husband.
I want time with my family.
I want time with friends . . . more tangible connections.
I want time just to be.
But I miss connecting with you too.
I am trying to find a balance.
And I still want to create. Oh, how I want to create.
The waiting happens here because I sense the creating will be different.
Donald Miller tells us in his new series, Start Life Over, that we are designed to change. He writes, “Every healthy thing God created changes.”
I realize I’m not so much between two new normal; I am still navigating to a new normal. I am changing.
This is okay.
God is changing me.
And I’m glad.
Not really the post I intended to write to wrap up 2014 but God’s ways are always greater. How great is our God!
Happy New Year, friends.
“Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:19 MSG)