Trust, Gratitude, Inspiration and Fun Friday
I am trusting in my voice.
I am trusting in what I contribute by using my voice.
I am trusting that there is a seat for me at the table.
I am trusting in belonging.
I am trusting in God -- that He created me to be uniquely me, Simply Beth. He does not want me to be like all the other women I can compare myself to and believe have more to contribute at the table...or to this writing world...or to the world as a whole.
"The world needs who you were made to be. Be you!" - Joanna Gains
Most of all, I am trusting in choosing love and kindness. I am trusting that making the choice to choose love and kindness, in the midst of this very divided world, has the ability to change the world. I am trusting in seeing the people God puts in my path, first and foremost as one who is also created by our amazing and holy God. To see beyond evil and see the person.
This friends, is not hiding behind my faith -- it's living out the truth of the Gospel. Standing firm in His truth.
For I know... "we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)
Because Agape love is not conditional. Agape love, the love of God, is unconditional.
May I seek to love unconditionally no matter our differences; no matter how the words or actions of another may hurt me. This does not mean I tolerate evil. It means I stand firm in the knowledge that when we shine His light in the darkness, darkness will not overcome it (John 1:5).
I am grateful to God for giving me a glimpse of what it looks like when I trust in all these things.
I am grateful to those who have patiently listened as I fumble through words to say what I want to say. The thoughts twirling around in my head that seem so eloquent as they twirl, never sound as eloquent as I speak or write them.
I am grateful to those who have welcomed me to the table.
I am grateful to those who have said, "you belong here."
I am grateful to those who ask for nothing more than for me to be who God created me to be.
I am grateful for those in my life who continually choose love and kindness. For those who have shown me what loving as He has loved us truly looks like.
I said this in my last TGIF post, but it remain so true for me -- I am inspired to live fully and abundantly in the love of Christ. And I am inspired to extend His love and kindness to others.
I am inspired to live wholeheartedly.
"Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion, and connection to wake up in the morning and think, no matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough." - Brené Brown
Last Sunday we went to the Wisconsin State Fair with our son and his family. So of course I need to share the cuteness of our sweet Emily.
First three photos from